Three bad ways to test async code in Swift with Nimble and XCTest


10 min read

Part 1. The problem

I am an iOS developer. And I love cats tests. Sometimes they love me back but recently with Swift Concurrency coming into my life, our relations went downhill.

The project is in limbo between the past and the future. Meaning we don't have SwiftUI everywhere in the project but we already use async/await in certain places, mostly in network services. It leads to cases where business entities have to call services via Task. Consider the following example where I fetch cats. The more the fluffier!

The view model that provides a count of cats in its state

final class ViewModel {
    private(set) var state = State.loading

    // Service gives us cats
    private let catService: CatServicing

    // Dependency injection in init
    init(catService: CatServicing = CatService()) {
        self.catService = catService

    func start() {

    private func requestCats() {
        state = .loading

        Task { @MainActor in
            // To invoke async code, I have to either make the func async, or dispatch a Task
            let catsResult = await catService.fetch()
            switch catsResult {
            case let .success(cats):
                state = .loaded(catCount: cats.count)
            case .failure:
                state = .error(action: { [unowned self] in requestCats() })

extension ViewModel {
    enum State {
        case loading, error(action: () -> Void), loaded(catCount: Int)

CatService implementation is particularly sophistocated

struct Cat {}

protocol CatServicing {
    // I use good old result because, in the future, I want to handle cat-errors like cat-overflow
    func fetch() async -> Result<[Cat], Error>

final class CatService: CatServicing {
    func fetch() async -> Result<[Cat], Error> {
        try? await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(500))
        return .success([Cat(), Cat()])

Let's write a test for the view model! First of all, we need a mocked CatService that we will inject later. For that, I use SwiftMockGeneratorForXcode. Btw, it was a great generator but it cannot handle async/await anymore. Still saves some time

@testable import TestsExample

final class DummyCatService: CatServicing {
    var invokedFetch = false
    var invokedFetchCount = 0
    var stubbedFetchResult: Result<[Cat], Error>!

    func fetch() async -> Result<[Cat], Error> {
        invokedFetch = true
        invokedFetchCount += 1
        return stubbedFetchResult

Now writing the test, I provide the whole implementation just for reference.

final class ViewModelTest: XCTestCase {
    private var sut: ViewModel!
    private var catService: DummyCatService!

    override func setUp() {
        catService = .init()

        // Inject dependency
        sut = .init(catService: catService)

    func testServiceIsInvokedOnStart() {
        // given
        // Provide a stubbed response
        catService.stubbedFetchResult = .success([Cat()])

        // when
        // Start the fetch

        // then
        // Expect the catService to be called

What can go wrong? Everything! The lines are called in such order

// Test invokes start from the ViewModel
// The only invokation inside of ViewModel.start()
--> requestCats()
// In requestCats(), first we toggle the state
----> state = .loading
// Then in the same function we invoke Task to fetch things from the service
----> Task { @MainActor in
// The execution comes back to test. It validates the condition and fails miserably

// P.S. How do normal people write down the call hierarhcy? I struggled a lot with it

The reason for the failure: lines are executed synchronously one by one. In its execution way, it comes to the Task. Contents of this Task are not invoked right away, rather they are dispatched. Meaning the block with let catsResult = await catService.fetch() will get executed but sometime later.

That means that all the nested synchronous instructions from sut.start() were executed and the execution continues from where it left off. The next line after sut.start is expect(self.catService.invokedFetchCount).to(equal(1)). Obviously, the condition validation fails. Task will still be executed but we've already left the local context of the test function. It's too late, cat

Let's now explore the bad ways of testing this code!

Part 2. Solutions

Bad way #1. Nimble's toEventually

A common approach for those who use Nimble. It's a bit like Bezoar

"Just shove a toEventually down their throats."

Works fine.


  • It's simple and takes little code

  • It needs little support and little knowledge


  • It is flaky aka non-deterministic. One never knows if a certain lag will hit the toEventually timeout. It heavily relies on the passage of time. How long the condition will take to become true is getting challenging to predict.

  • Debugging tests that run in multiple threads is tricky. Add to that background threads executing something when the new test has already started. A nightmare.

  • Hard to test a reverse condition, toAlways. When something is true but might occasionally become false time plays an even more critical role.

  • toEventually is seeking the "right" answer in a given time window. What if we would want to test that state switches from error to loading when the cat request is done again? The initial state of the view model is loading and it won't even change by the time we arrive to condition validation. Hello, false-positive

  • Execution time goes up due to waiting

  • What if the test needs the sut to be in a certain state? In our example, we might want to check if the request is fired after failure. For that, we need to get the updated state. And it is not possible unless the task has been completed! We have to wait for the state even in the given part and only then execute the test further.

// extra conformance just for tests to know what to wait for
guard case let .error(action) = sut.state else {
    fail("Incorrect state")

// The actual when

// finally, the then

Bad way #2. XCTest's expectation

We can utilise XCTestExpectation to know when exactly the Task was called! For that, we need just a little: make the dummy service publish when its stubbed function has been called

final class DummyCatService: CatServicing {
    // now the property is published
    @Published private(set) var invokedFetch = false
    // ...

    func fetch() async -> Result<[Cat], Error> {
        // We could avoid using defer but I want to bring it as close to scope end as possible
        defer {
            invokedFetch = true

        invokedFetchCount += 1
        return stubbedFetchResult

Then our test grows up

func testServiceIsInvokedOnStartWithWait() {
    // given
    // we will wait for this expectation
    let taskExpectation = XCTestExpectation()
        .filter { $0 }
        .sink { _ in
            // When the fetch func was invoked dummy fulfills the expectation 
        .store(in: &cancellable)
    catService.stubbedFetchResult = .success([Cat()])

    // when
    // start() asks dummy for the result, the sink closure above is executed 
    // And the wait is fulfilled, we can proceed to the assertion below
    wait(for: [taskExpectation])

    // then


  • We are testing exactly when something is expected, not just probing the cat water at arbitrary points in time.


  • Still flaky, what if waiting takes more than one second? How large should be the timeout?

  • Still a long waiting time.

  • A lot of code.

  • What if the invoke called multiple times just with the delay?

  • It does not work in more complex examples. E.g. in the code snippet below the expectation immediately continues with guard case let.

func testServiceIsInvokedAgainOnRetryWithWaitForExpectation() {
    // given
    let taskExpectation = XCTestExpectation()
        .filter { $0 }
        .sink { _ in
        .store(in: &cancellable)

    catService.stubbedFetchResult = .failure(NSError(domain: "cat tests", code: 636174))
    wait(for: [taskExpectation])

    guard case let .error(action) = sut.state else {
        // early exit here. Expectation is fulfilled before ViewModel has managed to process the result of await
        fail("Incorrect state")
    // ...

The reason for that lies in the DummyService. It roughly looks so:

  • We are on the main thread, instructions are led one by one

  • defer in Dummy is called before returning the stubbed value

  • defer changes the value of invokedFetch and thus fulfils the expectation

  • The next instruction is guard case let โ€“ we still haven't returned the value from Dummy.

So the awaiting finishes only when we have already failed the test. Such a misfortune.

let catsResult = await catService.fetch()
switch catsResult {
// ...

We could wrap the fulfilment in a Task in the test or the dummy and even add a sleep but then it's what we are trying to avoid, no?

    .sink { _ in
        Task {
            // try? await Task.sleep(for: .microseconds(100))

Even though it does not work, I loved playing with the idea and want to credit the source where I saw it the first time:

Bad way #3. Custom Task wrap

I love stubbing everything. If I could persuade teammates to stub an Int, I would do it. Just for the sake of chaos.

So why not to stub Task?

// Updated ViewModel.swift
func startWithTasker() {

private func requestCatsWithTasker() {
    state = .loading

    // Tasker is just a wrapper around Task that.. calls Task! { @MainActor [weak self] in
        // We are also now notified about self being captured
        guard let self else {
        let catsResult = await catService.fetch()
        switch catsResult {
        case let .success(cats):
            state = .loaded(catCount: cats.count)
        case .failure:
            state = .error(action: { self.requestCatsWithTasker() })
protocol Tasking {
    func run(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: @escaping () async -> Void)

extension Tasking {
    func run(operation: @escaping () async -> Void) {
        run(priority: nil, operation: operation)

struct Tasker: Tasking {
    func run(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, operation: @escaping () async -> Void) {
        // As soon as run is called Tasker executes the Task. We don't need such a struct per se, it's required only for testing
        Task(priority: priority) {
            await operation()

DummyTasker then looks like that

final class DummyTasker: Tasking {
    var invokedRun = false
    var invokedRunCount = 0
    var invokedRunParameters: (priority: TaskPriority?, operation: () async -> Void)?
    var invokedRunParametersList = [(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: () async -> Void)]()

    func run(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: @escaping () async -> Void) {
        invokedRun = true
        invokedRunCount += 1
        invokedRunParameters = (priority, operation)
        invokedRunParametersList.append((priority, operation))

And our test then looks rather simple

    func testServiceIsInvokedOnStart() async{
        // given
        // Good old stubbed response
        catService.stubbedFetchResult = .success([Cat()])

        // when
        // The same start function just with Tasker. Of course, it should not be called this way in production
        // DummyTasker got the operation and saved it in invokedRunParameters
        // Now we simply invoke it on the same thread we are on. It is an absolutely synchronous operation
        await tasker.invokedRunParameters?.operation()

        // then
        // Validating the condition


  • Only testing values when we expect them to change

  • It's all synchronous for the first time in the history of the Cativerse ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿˆ

  • No extra execution time

  • Debugging is simple

  • Summarising all that โ€“ we stop testing parallelism per se, we mock it


  • Task is an essential part of Swift

  • Too many things that Task can do are left out and need manual implementation

  • Extra effort for supporting the wrapper

  • Managing self capturing (Btw, Task also captures but the compiler does not show the warning. So maybe it's a pro after all)

  • The more complex test is still complex, we need to call asker.invokedRunParameters?.operation() after each time tasker is accessed. So we know the internal implementation details. Not as much of a black box testing really

    func testServiceIsInvokedAgainOnRetryWithTasker() async {
        // given
        catService.stubbedFetchResult = .failure(NSError(domain: "cat tests", code: 636174))
        // First invoke the operation to let ViewModel "consume" error response and react to it
        await tasker.invokedRunParameters?.operation()

        guard case let .error(action) = sut.state else {
            fail("Incorrect state")

        // when
        // Then awaiting for the next request
        await tasker.invokedRunParameters?.operation()

        // then

Part 3. Instead of a summary

In the end, I am torn between toEventually and Tasker. Both have downsides and some upsides. I could summarise it with a short quote from the early 19th century:


it seems the tests will never be as easy as before โ€“ unless we find a better approach. Which we as a society usually do :)

Part 4. Other options

  • We could also make the view model work in async/await mode and extract Task to controllers or whatever is up the hierarchy. It's not always possible but might make sense to move the concurrency managing code to the view because we cannot test it there and can live happily. Haha what am I saying


Do you like any of the approaches? Which one is the winner in this worst-of-the-worst chart? Do you have better approaches and how do you test your async code in general?
